Storey Package Documentation#


Storey is streaming library for real time event processing and feature extraction. It’s based on asyncio and offers both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. Storey flows are graphs of steps that perform computational and IO tasks. A basic synchronous flow is created and run as such:

from storey import build_flow, SyncEmitSource, CSVTarget

controller = build_flow([
    CSVTarget('myfile.csv', columns=['n', 'n*10'], header=True)

for i in range(10):
    controller.emit({'n': i, 'n*10': 10 * i})


This example constructs a flow that writes events to a CSV file, runs it, then pushes events into that flow.

The same example can also be run from within an async context:

from storey import build_flow, AsyncEmitSource, CSVTarget

controller = build_flow([
    CSVTarget('myfile.csv', columns=['n', 'n*10'], header=True)

for i in range(10):
    await controller.emit({'n': i, 'n*10': 10 * i})

await controller.terminate()
await controller.await_termination()

The following more interesting example takes a dataframe, aggregates its data using a sliding window, and persists the result to a V3IO key-value store.

from storey import build_flow, DataframeSource, AggregateByKey, FieldAggregator, SlidingWindows, NoSqlTarget, V3ioDriver, Table

table = Table(f'users/me/destination', V3ioDriver())

controller = build_flow([
    DataframeSource(df, key_column='user_id', time_column='timestamp'),
        FieldAggregator("feature1", "field1", ["avg", "min", "max"],
                        SlidingWindows(['1h', '2h'], '10m')),
        FieldAggregator("feature2", "field2", ["avg", "min", "max"],
                        SlidingWindows(['1h', '2h'], '10m')),
        FieldAggregator("feature3", "field3", ["avg", "min", "max"],
                        SlidingWindows(['1h', '2h'], '10m'))
    NoSqlTarget(table, columns=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3']),


Indices and tables#